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Name: LYL (SAS)
Address : 95 rue des Vanniers 40150 SOORTS-HOSSEGOR
Share capital: 987 602,33 Euros
N° RCS: 501 226 187
N° TVA Intracommunautaire : FR 93 501 226 187
Email : [email protected]
Phone :
Publication director : LOHEAC Emmanuel


Nom : UpCloud Ltd
Address : Eteläranta 12, 00130 Helsinki, Finland
Email : [email protected]
Phone : +358 9 3158 4810


The content of the website (texts, photos, images, source codes, logos, products, brands, designs etc.) is protected by the law, in particular by the provisions of the French Intellectual Property Code, and this content belongs fully to LYL.

Every use or reproduction of all or part of this content is subject to the prior express authorisation of LYL and shall be made without denaturation, modification or alteration in any way.


LYL (contact details provided on article 1 of our Legal Notice) collects the following personal data:

  • Name, forename, delivery and invoicing address, phone ,number, e-mail address
  • Connection information (login and password)
  • Shopping history and wishlist
  • Cookies, and navigational data

These data are necessary to process your orders and to deliver yours products, so they are necessary to conclude and execute the sales contract between us.

They can also be useful to provide you with information about our brand, our Products, our Website or commercial offers, if you accept it while validating your order (you can withdraw your consent at any time without prejudice to the legality of the previous processing).

The data are strictly confidential and listed with an asterisk (*) when necessary to LYL, and/or its contractors as part of the management of your order.

Following any injunction or legal authorities to defend the rights or those of its employees, customers or anyone else, LYL may provide personal data to agencies and authorities legally authorized.

LYL agrees to take every precaution to ensure the security of its files and protect its computer system, to prevent personal information such as the Customer’s from being distorted, corrupted or available by unauthorized parties and not to transfer, sell or give the personal information to any third party.

These personal data are sent to and stored by our hosting company (contact details provided on article 2 of our Legal Notice). They are also addressed to our service providers and subcontractors to process on our behalf, particularly for payments, shipping, hosting, emails and newsletters, statistical analyses, brand and products management. The agreements concluded with these service providers and subcontractors are adequate to protect your personal data and they comply with the relevant existing regulations.

According to the French law "Informatique et Libertés», the Website is registered with the French National Commission for Computing and Liberties under the number 2143597 and you have a right of access, rectification, and deletion to your nominative data.

You can exercise this right by sending us a letter (to LYL, 95 rue des Vanniers, 40150 Soorts-Hossegor France) or by email (@: [email protected]), stating your full name, email and mailing address.

You can also modify your personal data from your customer area (with your email address and password).

You can subscribe online to receive our newsletters and thus be regularly informed of the commercial offers proposed on the website. At any time, you can opt out by using the unsubscribe link provided at the bottom of each newsletter. This link is also available on the website in the customer area under “My account/Subscription”.

Your personal data are stored as long as necessary for the fulfillment of the purposes above-mentioned. We usually store them as long as you keep your customer account and you don’t require its deletion or longer when required by applicable law, rule or regulation.

You are entitled to lodge a complaint with control authority.


To process your order, and in order to better understand your needs and customize the services offered on the Website, LYL uses cookies (files stored on the hard drive of your computer that is intended to signal his passage on the Website).

These cookies memorize your time of the visit on the Website, your identity (thanks to your email and password) and the contents of your shopping cart.

Once you are disconnected from the Website, this information is stored for thirty (30) days before being permanently deleted.

Your consent is required prior to the use of cookies and you may oppose their registration by configuring their browser, and then you lose any customization service that is offered on the Website.


Placing an order on the Website implies knowledge and acceptance of procedures on the Internet in particular with regards to technical performance, response times, connections, queries or information transfers, the risks of disconnection, the risks of contamination by viruses circulating on the network and in general all the risks associated with using the Internet.

LYL cannot in any way be held liable for any direct or indirect damage, resulting from misuse or incident relating to the use of the computer, Internet access, maintenance or malfunctioning servers, telephone line, or any other technical connection; the connection of the Customer to the Website is under his full responsibility.


Our Terms and Conditions of Sale are available on our website under the link “Terms & conditions”.


You are informed that, in case of dispute and in default an amicable solution, you can initiate a free mediation process to avoid a legal action. In such case, we invited you to attend the online platform of dispute resolution set up by the European Commission (